Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Animal Nation  [Acapella] I Never Cared BPM-89  TimeZone [EP] - The Acapellas 
 2. A-Ha  I Wish I Cared  Smallville Extended Soundtrack - Season 2   
 3. Greater Vision  No One Cared So Much  It's Just Like Heaven 
 4. Will C. Robbins  If you cared  Indestructible Record: 811 
 5. Nightwish  If Everyone Cared   
 6. Frederic Rose  If you cared for me  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9965 
 7. Dino Kartsonakis  No one have ever cared for me like Jesus  Peace in the midst of the storm 
 8. Frank Boggs  No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus  By request 
 9. Dino Kartsonakis  No one have ever cared for me like Jesus  Peace in the midst of the storm 
 10. Dino Kartsonakis  No one have ever cared for me like Jesus  Peace in the midst of the storm 
 11. Dino Kartsonakis  No one have ever cared for me like Jesus  Peace in the midst of the storm 
 12. Charlie Orr  No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus  Mexico Baptist Church 
 13. Dino Kartsonakis  No one have ever cared for me like Jesus  Peace in the midst of the storm 
 14. Roy Garbutt  No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus  Offertory September 30 2007 
 15. Dino Kartsonakis  No one have ever cared for me like Jesus  Peace in the midst of the storm 
 16. Dino Kartsonakis  No one have ever cared for me like Jesus  Peace in the midst of the storm 
 17. Frank Boggs  No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus  By request 
 18. Byron G. Harlan  I never cared for anyone the way I care for you  Edison Standard Record: 10064 
 19. Dino Kartsonakis  No one have ever cared for me like Jesus  Peace in the midst of the storm 
 20. Animal Nation  I Never Cared produced by Scamp   
 21. Filter Freq  Acapella  Lost In The Musik EP Vinyl 
 22. Ercandize  Wer Es ist Acapella  La Haine-Sie nannten ihn Mücke 
 23. Gigi D'Agostino  Acapella - Bla Bla Bla   
 24. Bone Zone  Acapella  Perching on the Beam 
 25. Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla  The Same But Different acapella rap   
 26. Straat-Records.NL - Appa - Acapella  Acapella  Straat-Records.NL 
 27. Ercandize  Wer Es ist Acapella  La Haine-Sie nannten ihn Mücke 
 28. Ercandize  Wer Es ist Acapella  La Haine-Sie nannten ihn Mücke 
 29. Animal Nation  [Acapella] Two BPM-88.25   
 30. LA Carnival  Blind Man - Acapella  Blind Man 
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